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User Competition: Turkey Challenge 2018


This thread is for discussion about the user competition: Turkey Challenge 2018 - which runs from 09/05/2018 through 11/21/2018.

  Alicia Replied:

We start tomorrow!

Who is ready?!

  Lyn💛 Replied:

I need to get my head back in the game!

  Alicia Replied:

Day 1: State your WHY!! (Why are you embarking on this lifestyle change? Why do you want to lose weight?)

Once you know your why.... it'll make it easier to set goals!

  Denise Replied:

Why? Because I'm fed up (no pun intended) fighting the same battle year in and year out. Okay, more like decade in and decade out. This challenge will give me some extra motivation as I think about my efforts to put a good-sized turkey on the table of someone who could really use it.

  Cindy H. Replied:

Why? I really need to own my why. I've been so wishy washy lately.
I KNOW what to do and I need to get after it in order to feel better and be healthier.

NOTHING tastes as good as being healthy FEELS. That's my why!

  Michele Replied:

Because I am tired of starting over!

  Alicia Replied:

My computer was down so I didn't get to share mine.

I'm tired of being in pain all the time. I want to enjoy time being active outside with my boys and enjoy the field trips we go on without being exhausted at the end of the day.

I want to feel comfortable and confident in my own skin.

  Alicia Replied:

Day 3: Choose 1 goal and work on it for 1 week! Share each day how you did. If you didn't reach your goal for the day, how could you have done better?

  Alicia Replied:

1 week goal: to drink 64oz of water. I know I need more, but I'm struggling to get in even 1 cup a day right now.

The opinions expressed on this forum may not represent the opinions of Please consult your physician to determine the weight, nutrition and exercise levels that are best for you.