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This One Day- 2/16/23

Jeanne- CE!

Day 10 and done with having to mask around others after today, hooray! Protocol depends on who you ask and whatever the latest findings are online; I've gotten different answers within the same clinic; but feel I have done my due diligence at this point. None of the conflicting info out there really adds up to a clear cut answer as to how to handle it. This evening I'll get back to chorale rehearsal and keep my mask on one last time. Our director is busy tonight with his high school musical that he is directing. He asked me to conduct part of the chorale rehearsal tonight in his absence, but I kept my healing boundary up and told him not this time; pacing my energy as I add things back in. Looking for relief from all the online tedium of late, and looking forward to just getting outdoors again. It's all good!

  deb Replied:

You have made such wise choices for yourself & others. If more people were like you, we could possibly have kicked covid to the curb months ago!

  Sandy Replied:

So glad to hear you are at the end of this. Thank you for being careful and aware of others. I appreciate that so much.

  Francesca Replied:

So glad for the news!!

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