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This One Day- 5/7/22

Jeanne- CE!

Today is a random ma'am kind of day of walks outdoors (with and without dogs), and this and that at home. Unfortunately, I am having to throwback to masked life for a few days, as a close contact tested positive for covid the morning after we'd had close conversational contact within my close-knit chorale group, so it's a known mass exposure. Protocol now according to the nurse chat on my insurance is not to have to isolate, but to be masked at any time around others. This is where being a wellness nut comes in handy; no worries on my end-- I've done what I can and it's just a few days of inconvenience. It's all good!

  deb Replied:

I hope you don't get COVID Jeanne! You are a good woman to mask up for the sake of others! More people need to be like that!

  Jeanne- CE! Replied:

Thanks deb! Due diligence is a pathway to peace for me.

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