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100 Days Program Day 90: Live "as if"

Jeanne- CE!

Some good thoughts. As someone who is frequently in front of people, whether teaching or sharing a music offering, I always try to present enthusiastically, as though the recipients are loving it, when from my perspective they may appear bored or indifferent. Many times people really are loving it but their facial expressions do not match their internal enthusiasm that they share later. Regardless of what anyone else does, I have a better shot at keeping a spring in my step and a smile on my face.

  Lyn❤️💛💚💙💜 Replied:

I always told my kids this when they were dreading something. I'd say go in there with a smile on your face and make the best of it. Either way it's happening, you can get through it with a smile or you can head in there with a bad attitude but when you do that there is no option other than having a bad time.

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