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100 Days Program Day 44: It's not the right time

Jeanne- CE!

I like this one and how it's presented. Before I got to long term Maintenance, I definitely had many ups and downs, where I just tried to force the issue when timing wasn't right. Sometimes forcing the issue just added to my struggles and stress at the time. I'm all for taking a breather and re-evaluating goals when necessary. We each have our own wellness journey and can choose to lose weight, stay right where we are- valid reasons either way.

  Lyn❤️💛💚💙💜 Replied:

Yeah, I agree that there are times when there's just too much going on to be able to focus on losing weight. I do try to at least maintain during these times.

  deb Replied:

I fin that it is NEVER the "right time"! LOL ~ there is always something going on that Iuse as an excuse to eat. I need to work on that for sure!

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