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Anyone trying to quit drinking sodas?


I have been trying to quit drinking soda for years and now it's time. Anyone have suggestions for quitting this habit without getting the headaches and withdrawals? What worked for you?

  Jeanne- CE! Replied:

I quit the unhealthy sodas years ago, but still get an occasional (meaning a few times a year) fizzy drink that has all clean ingredients. Drinking water helps with headaches and withdrawal. An easy way to begin is drinking 12 oz of water (or however many ounces of soda you would have had) for each serving of soda you are not having. If you are not already active, add in some very light movement such as gentle walking. Keep posting here for support, or feel free to buddy chat any time. All the best!

  deb Replied:

I never really drank a lot of soda, but I hardly ever drink it at all now. I like to put a bit of fruit juice in a tall glass with ice & fill it with club soda. Then I sometimes add some cut up lemon or lime slices. It is refreshing and a bit fizzy.

  Lyn❤️💛💚💙💜 Replied:

I had a bad soda habit and I found no way around the headaches and withdrawals. It took about two weeks. Both times I had to go through it. (yeah, I had a relapse. LOL)

  Anna Replied:

I am trying really hard to let go of the pop. I have found out by shear accident that I am also addicted to the bottle or perhaps even the can that holds the liquid batch of no goodness. I will sometimes put a few empty bottles filled up with water in the fridge and take one out and that really helps. The have just one a day helps - sometimes. Today I am having a strawberry tea. I find making a pitcher of ice tea helps because it helps with the caffeine withdrawal. If it helps... today is day one. I made a tea for breaks and am eating my planned meal. Hopefully this will be a solid day one! Good luck on your effort! We got this... I think

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