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Almost halfway through August!

Jeanne- CE!

How are you doing? Is it time for a tweak, or maybe a complete turnaround? Is it possible to let go of whatever has not gone how you would have liked, and just move forward from here?

Would you be willing to choose wellness for this day, for an hour, for a meal, or for maybe just one baby step?

Life is hard, but you and I can do hard things!

  ThulzπŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ Replied:

A complete turnaround is what I needed but it took a small tweak to initiate it it

Letting go and moving forward from this moment on is really one of the critical areas of practice for me... I'm slooowly getting better at it.

because one cannot truly move forward if they are still carrying yesterday's burdens....guilt, shame, regret and those thoughts and feelings usually perpetuate themselves as they come with "I already messed up...what's the point...I might as month is a fresh start..."

I daresay this is one of the major reasons we disappear when we are not doing well.

  Time Out (Alex) πŸ’‹ Replied:

I'm happy so far with my progress. I believe that I'm doing well and I will continue to stay focused and finish the month strong. I have a little over 2 lbs to lose to be at my goal weight loss for the month.

We got this!

  Lynβ€οΈπŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œ Replied:

I'm tired, and a little sad and I guess overwhelmed at all that I have going on at the moment. Nothing bad is happening, just a lot of stuff and it is getting to me. Weight sticks firm when I am under stress but at least I haven't gained a bunch. I went up a little but not much and it is finally coming back off. I sure hope the rest of August is a little less hectic.

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