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One Day At A Time Saturday 7/3/21

Jeanne- CE!

G'day to Good Buddies! What's happenin' in your wellness world today?

I will be Clean Lean Green Jeanne no matter what; visit with the Garymama and get in one more ipad tutorial before the whirlwind of packing and getting on the road back home; am praying safe travels on this holiday weekend, looking forward to being back in my own little nest. It's all good!

  Lyn❤️💛💚💙💜 Replied:

We have been invited to a block party with food trucks tonight. Not sure exactly what that is but you all probably know me well enough to figure out that I am actively trying to get out of going to it. LOL. It's supposed to be a beautiful day so I'd like to get out and enjoy some sunshine. I will do yoga and all the healthy things. It is going to be a great day!

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