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One Day At A Time Thursday 5/27/21

Jeanne- CE!

Heeey Beautiful! How has this one day been playing out for you?

I am being Clean Lean Green Jeanne no matter what, and this is definitely one of the "no matter what" days...nothing terrible, just one of those family times where I have to use my pause button and reel myself back in when I catch myself being reactive to the family dynamics here at Gary's mom's. At least we had the wherewithall to get outside with the Garymama and the Garybro and enjoy the beauty and history of the San Antonio Riverwalk today. It's all good!

  Lyn❤️💛💚💙💜 Replied:

I have been going through the kids old toys, deciding what to keep and what to get rid of. I've kept my eating clean and did my yoga. It has been a great day!

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