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How do you NOT have that trigger food?


I go to our local donut shop for a piece of carrot cake and all the way there I am saying why don't I not go this time, why don't I just say no to myself, Why CAN'T I just not get one... I am doing better but I am not doing well enough. What stops you from saying yes to something that you know you should be saying no too!

  Jeanne- CE! Replied:

...having a clear memory of how terrible I feel afterwards physically and emotionally. But if it's a planned treat, then it's all part of moderation and living joyfully. I also do not have anything on hand at home that I may not be able to resist or that might compromise my wellness.

  Lyn❤️💛💚💙💜 Replied:

Yeah, I had to stop buying the stuff that triggers me. And it took me a while to get to that point but now, I just don't have it available to me. Luckily I am much too lazy to make a trip out to get it. LOL

  Sue Ellen Replied:

When I have the right mindset and know the particular temptation can make me not healthy, I can say no, HOWEVER, if my emotions kick in, watch out!

  Time Out (Alex) 💋 Replied:

My trigger food is chips "Lays" to be exact. Unfortunately I have them all around me, work and home. I've learned that I just have to be stronger than the chips. I tell myself that I can have them, I just chose not to right now. I actually talk to them in my head! I say, "No thank you, I'm good right now, maybe later".

It works for me and I just keep saying that. Instead I try to have other snacks planned for the day and around me that I can have instead. If I need the crunch I just eat an alternative, like maybe some popcorn, or snap peas. Something healthier and not so much a trigger.

When I go grocery shopping I walk by them on purpose, look at them and say "No thank you". In my head of course, so I don't get the weird looks. I read this is very healthy to do, and it works for me as it makes me feel like I'm strong.

  Anna Replied:

Thank you so much for your thoughts yesterday! I did not get carrot cake yesterday! I still bought a cookie but not at the same place. I lived... lol.

So today, I am going to go in a different mindset. I am not going to stop for treats. Groceries - yes! Immediate grtification treat food that is gone in less than one moment - yes! I am going to try and take the power away from the "driving for a treat" scene that I set up for myself.

I will keep you posted. My weight is going up and I need it to start going in the other direction. I also started walking again and I usually don't lose when I walk but I don't think I should be gaiining

I think for me is to focus and keep my desire to be engaged with my efforts to be healthy is what i need to do. I made it through the winter without gaining a lot and now I am outide my 5lb buffer.

Have a great day SYDer's! I am going to try and stay present and focused

  NanaB Replied:

Thanks for sharing Anna. I have to stay present and focused as well in order to stay on track. It really does make a difference.

  Sandy Replied:

Caribou Chai tea is my trigger. LOTS of sugar and it sets me up to crave sugar the rest of the day. It's in my grocery store too so habit and wanting that treat. I have to work daily not to get one.

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