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100 Days: Day 19: Eat reasonable amounts (repost for my benefit)

Jenn J :))

Today's Tasks:

With each of the foods you eat today, take the amount you think is your designated serving size. Then weigh or measure the food and see how close you came to being correct.

Repeat this exercise until you are confident about your estimating skills.

In your notebook, write down your ideal serving size for the food items you eat most.

  Jenn J :)) Replied:

I need to keep working on portions. This was especially difficult while dealing with my mother, the loss of my dad, and trying to help her organize.

Each night, back in my motel, I would just snack without tracking.

Now that I'm back home I have to work on getting back to tracking, portion sizes, and destressing.

Here's to a recenter back on my food plan again.

  Jeanne- CE! Replied:

Your being back home will make a huge difference! You are on a great wellness track, and this trip was just a little excursion in the grand scheme (not minimizing how tough family situations can be) and now you're back. My experience has been that less-healthy episodes still happen, but they get fewer and farther between each time.There will always be potholes in the wellness road, but they become shallower and less damaging as wellness gradually becomes the new normal.

  Jenn J :)) Replied:

Thanks Jeanne. I ordered food for pickup from my grocery store. I focused on salads. I am going to focus on salads for a few days, if not the next week. I need to stop the massive sugar craving I have now.

The opinions expressed on this forum may not represent the opinions of Please consult your physician to determine the weight, nutrition and exercise levels that are best for you.