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One Day At A Time Thursday 2/4/21

Jeanne- CE!

Heeey Beautiful! How's the wellness journey going?

I will be Clean Lean Green Quarantine Jeanne no matter what, take in a lot of brothy soups, greens, and hot bevs, do quiet things that need to be done anyway. It's all good! Stop here if you do not wish to attend the "organ recital" below

I do not panic over these things; I live a healthy lifestyle and feel comfortable that I am equipped to handle whatever flows my way. However, I was again exposed to a student with covid, so had planned to take a test for Gary and Di's sakes- then when I routinely went in 5-6 days after exposure, I actually had mild symptoms which any other time I would ignore (fatigue, slight fever, sore throat, a twinge of vertigo, ear congestion, mild headache)- so they did a less accurate rapid test which was negative, but wanted to also send away the pcr test. All that to say I am quarantining until the results come back in a day or so. In my heart of hearts, I do not think I have "it" but felt nudged to the "abundance of caution" route this time because of the symptoms. I have a strong body that likes to heal itself on its own terms.

  Anna Replied:

I am proud of your cautionary decisions! You will be fine either way because you have eaten well for so many years! I believe that you are at your optimal health and that is a guide for all of us to follow! Good luck with your test my dear! Big hugs to you and I hope that you can manage any anxiety around waiting for the other test.

  Lyn💛 Replied:

Yep, your pre-existing good health is the ticket here.

  Time Out (Alex) Replied:

Not only your good choices food will help you, your positive attitude will get you through this. The problem, like you said, a slight cold can make such huge changes in our lives lately.

I too have been exposed twice in the last month and had to go get tests to have them negative. I exercise so much that I hope that is helping. Lucky for me I've been Negative with no symptoms.

Fingers crossed for you.

The opinions expressed on this forum may not represent the opinions of Please consult your physician to determine the weight, nutrition and exercise levels that are best for you.