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100 Days: Day 21: Eat with awareness

Jenn J

CONGRATULATIONS! 20 Days of reading, learning, implementing and recognizing the changes we need to make to live a better life. Don't give up now, we are 1/5 of the way done with our 100 Days program.

Today's Tasks:

Prepare yourself for having a "mindful-eating" meal by setting a table with your good china and silverware, lighting a candle, and playing quiet music in the background.

Sit down for your meal. While you're eating, don't do any other activities-just focus entirely on the food. Notice details such as the food appearance, flavors and textures, and even the temperature.

In your notebook, record your observations. Then add a few notes about how it feels to eat a meal using that much focus and total awareness.

  Jeanne- CE! Replied:

Another good one! In the past have definitely shoveled a lot in without even realizing it. I actually love choosing music that's right for the occasion or the type of food, and I love candlelight. But when I am alone, I also enjoy fun light correspondence or something fun online to accompany my already portioned and planned meal. Then if I still eat mindlessly, then too bad so sad, it's on me!

  Jenn J Replied:

I typically eat in my home office on work days, or in the living room while playing my game. I don't often eat at my kitchen table as it's piled high with things I need to deal with. I need to get this fixed so I start eating meals at a table.

  Anna Replied:

My biggest problem with mindless eating is in the car. I picked this habit up mostly because I get car sick and a bag of chips seems to be the best cure. When I lived in Pleasant Bay I had to drive over the mountains daily to get to where I live now. Or god forbid, I had to drive windy roads to Inverness! It would take me out. But in all honestly, I was worse in the city because I could hide behind my food addiction by driving through take outs. And then I would stuff, enjoy and mindlessly eat until it was gone. Since I am frugal I would usually buy a supersize and a frosy from Wendy's. Hard to believe what an addict will do for "too much" food and then mindlessly gorge. Sort of embarressing when you write it down but none of those feelings came up (if at all) until after eating or later.

I always make my grandson eat with me at the table. His parents let him eat in his room while watching something. He was a little jeezer when he was small so they gave in to peace and just let him in a bed in his room or theres. Sometimes as a grandmother you throw the good habits in at your house and hope for the best. There are moving into a tiny house where is room is right next to the kitchen. I hope they will make him eat with them at the table. We will see. My parents always made me at the table and it didn't stop me... lol, I think I will need to reflect on my thinking now, lol.

So in summary, my mindless eating usually begins and ends in the car...

  Diane Replied:

Mindless eating is so easy to do. I do try to focus on what I am eating and to stop before I have overdone it.

  Jenn J Replied:

I allowed myself some snack foods when shopping yesterday. I am making sure I measure portions (pieces or weight) and that's all I'm allowing myself.

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