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One Day At A Time Thursday 7/19/18

Jeanne- CE!

G'Day to Lovely Ones! What are you hoping to have happen on this one day?

I will be Clean Lean Jeanne no matter what, head to ArtsVision camp, check in with Dr. Tim, go to Bikram yoga, wind down the day with what presents itself at that time.

  Gwen Replied:

We are out on a short bus trip for the afternoon. Healthy snacks packed ready to go!

  Lyn Replied:

Packing up the camper for a weekend trip with friends. It is going to be a great day!

  Diane Replied:

Going school supply shopping to get that off my list of things to do, organize Megan's clothes, donate those too small, get in my water, supplements, healthy eating (blood work tomorrow), and enjoying the day.

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