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One Day At A Time Wednesday 6/13/18

Jeanne- CE!

Wellness Wednesday, Wonderful Warriors! What's rockin' in your wellness world today?

I will Be Clean Lean Jeanne no matter what, plan and prep, get to a noon Cross Fit class, participate in Emmaus accountability time as the host and provider of the meal and the hospitality.

  kc Replied:

I'll be rockin' my day packing, boxing, and tossing. Still working my way through my sewing room. How did I collect so much stuff? This Wednesday Wellness Warrior will be working my resistance muscle big time today. The sabotaging thoughts are really trying to derail my efforts.

Let's rock this day together!

  Lyn Replied:

You've got this kc!
Today I will eat as close to the earth as possible and do my pt exercises along with some yoga and meditation. I'm feeling good, back on track and ready to kick some butt! It is going to be a great day!

The opinions expressed on this forum may not represent the opinions of Please consult your physician to determine the weight, nutrition and exercise levels that are best for you.