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One Day At A Time Monday 6/11/18

Jeanne- CE!

Monday, Monday, our new day! How will you work wellness to your favor today?

I will be Clean Lean Jeanne no matter what, catch up on stuff, go to Cross Fit, practice, appreciate this lack of structure that is so freeing, take Gary out on a date.

  Diane Replied:

I want to enjoy that freeing no structure but instead stress. I will work on that. I will do what I have on my list and get things done and get in water, intentional exercise and spend time decluttering. That will be freeing if I let it.

  kc Replied:

One minute at a time kind of day. I am determined to not let moving stress take control. I AM in control. Today I will declutter, toss, not hoard all things business: ancient bills, 6 coffee mugs worth of pens/pencils, 3 jars of paper clips, and the many assorted organizer thingies-that never did help with organization and only added to my hoarding tendencies. But first,coffee!

Make it a good one!

  Lyn Replied:

They start painting the cabinets today, this is the last step and should be done by Friday! Woo hoo! I have painted cabinets in two kitchens and am SO happy to not have to do it myself this time. I will stay on track no matter what and will hopefully find time for intentional exercise. It is going to be a great day!

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