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ODAT Friday April 6, 2018

Jeanne- CE!

Happy Friday, Warriors O' Wellness! Here's to using this one day to live in wellness and lay the foundation for a well weekend! What do you have going on?

I will be Clean Lean Jeanne no matter what, focus on gratitude, listen to my body (and actually respond, lol) practice, rest, spend time at home being and doing according to how the day flows.

  Lyn Replied:

Today I am heading to the store to re-stock up on healthy foods. The fridge is pretty empty right now and I have not been sleeping and yesterday I ate about a hundred thousand gobstoppers, which, go figure, made me feel even worse. Sheesh, I KNOW this yet I still did it. Not one of my shining moments for sure. But it was a learning moment, and my body is craving healthy food and I will make that happen. It is going to be a great day!

  Jeanne- CE! Replied:

I get it, Lyn! We all visit that place every now and then. It definitely serves as a wake up call when once again you feel the feeling that non-food gives.

  kc Replied:

Packing up for our return trip to California. If all goes well, the manufactured home we want is a model home and they are taking 10k off, the property we want is coming in at 5k off asking price. Trying not to stress eat. This to shall pass. It was apple pie that was my down fall 3days ago Lyn. I said no to myself 2 times, the third time got me. For breakfast no less! Dusted off and charged forward, working that resistance muscle.

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