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ODAT Monday April 2, 2018

Jeanne- CE!

Monday, Monday, Dearest! How's it going, and what do hope to have happen, just for today?

I will be Clean Lean Jeanne no matter what, revel in this day off and the fact that I got 9 1/4 hours rest last night and that G and I are both off work today, plan and prep, practice, move-it move-it, do as little adulting as possible, go on a date with Gary.

  Lyn Replied:

Today I will do everything on my list of things to do. Except for the ones I don't get to. LOL I will keep it clean and move my body and (sigh) drink my water (longer sigh). It is going to be a great day!

  kc Replied:

(sigh) drink my water (longer sigh)
'as little adulting as possible'

Lyn and Jeanne, You two crack my up!

Rjaatt, 'Be happy and joyful!' Best plan yet!

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