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One Day At A Time Wednesday 10/10/18

Jeanne- CE!

Well what, Wonderful Warriors? It's Wellness Wednesday, that's what! How is yours looking ?

I will be Clean Lean Jeanne no matter what, live in the present, be joyful about our little hint of cooler weather, go to Bikram yoga, practice, enjoy my home and those within.

  Diane Replied:

Today I will enjoy my home, watch the news. My parents have a place in Florida so I am glued. They are here so they will be safe but the tides are already over the road and it hasn't made landfall yet.

  Lyn💛 Replied:

My b.i.l. lives in Pensacola, he is heading here for the wedding but he said the roads are bumper to bumper stand still, you can't get out. It is getting cooler here today so I am excited about that. I have lots of things to do today but none that I really have to do, all things that I want to do just because it will make me feel better so I am in a good place right now! I will be mindful of my food and movement. It is going to be a great day!

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